Episode 27 - Slutbots & Reality TV: The effect on Millennial Marriages

Welcome to the top Texas Lawyers podcast. This podcast is brought to you by the law firm Abercrombie and Sanchez PLLC.


Your hosts are Bryan Abercrombie and Samuel Sanchez. Bryan has been practicing law for 18 years and his board certified that sort of legal specialization in the area of family law. Sam has been practicing for 13 years, is licensed in both Texas and Florida, and is a certified mediator. This podcast is for informational purposes only and all views are the opinion of the hosts. It’s not designed to provide legal advice for your particular legal matter, and it should not replace the advice of competent counsel. Welcome. And we hope you enjoy the top Texas Lawyers podcast.

Good afternoon, Sam, welcome to the Top Texas Lawyers Podcast, how are you doing?

Not too bad, brother, how you?

Good, good, I’m happy to be talking to you this week.  We’re going to cover Millennials in divorces and then aspects concerning Millennials. You know many Millennials?

I know a couple. I know a couple.

Okay, so, Sam, you know, this is the Top Texas lawyers Podcast, and with me, as always, is my partner in crime, Samuel Sanchez. Thanks for joining us. Let me ask you a quick question, Sam. Do you know what Cameo is?

So I’m vaguely familiar with Cameo, but tell me what it is.

Okay, Sam, this is awesome. Cameo is a an app that you can go on there and they have all kinds of different celebrities. So who’s your who’s your favorite hero, favorite sports hero, celebrity, whoever?

Oh, right now I’d probably be saying, you know, I’m looking at Mahomes.

Ok, so if it’s Pat Mahomes, you potentially can go on Cameo and say it’s your birthday’s coming up and you want time Mahomes to to give you a birthday greeting.
You can go on, pay some some amount of money and Pat Mahomes will come in and sing Happy Birthday and wish you a Happy Birthday. So I love it. All right. All right. But as is with all things with celebrities, you know, not you don’t always get the a top of the A-list when you’re talking about a Cameo. So it filters down to like, you know, old old guy. I don’t want to say washed up celebrities, but let’s say backbencher’s. Let’s say, you know, celebrities that are the stars kind of on the fading downward trend. So you’ll get Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray or you get, you know, somebody from The Office or somebody from The Bachelor or something like that. So you get a lot of different, you know, celebrities trying to make a buck out there, wishing you birthday greetings. Where where that applies to us is that there’s a trend that’s kind of started where people are using cameos to have the celebrity say it’s Mark McGrath, give you a your breakup or your divorce so you can have the celebrity.

Well, the celebrity can’t give you the news that you’re getting a divorce. How do you think that was? How do you think that would go over? You know, I think if you want to guarantee yourself a swift kick in the teeth and a guaranteed trip to court, you probably probably want to try that. I mean, it sounds like a very interesting way to give somebody your nephew’s sendoff, you know, like your favorite celebrity. But Larry’s like is an example. You know, I love Kate Beckinsale. You know, if my wife got Kate Beckinsale to come and be like, “hey, we’re getting divorced”, you know, I be like, this sucks. You ruined it for me. Maybe something like that.

But that’s a killer.

Yeah, I think it has to be done in kind of a lighthearted way, but, you know, breaking up is hard to do, Sam, and sometimes you might need that celebrity spokesperson and tell you to tell your wife that it’s over.

Oh, my God, that’s hardcore.

I did hear of that Robert Pattinson and that Robert Pattinson called my wife and I would ruin him forever, for I did see this.

Are you available? And he’s gone. But you’re are you available?

I did see Lindsay Lohan had done something along those lines for somebody. And I guess it was like a coming out party and she was just supposed to reply to the person, but she actually replied to all the individuals the person wanted her to.

So but, you know, you can imagine there’s all kinds of heartaches there.

They had Mark McGrath come on and break up with somebody on a long distance relationship. But I think it was done in jest and that but I mean, in all seriousness, though, they were talking about how that could potentially be the wave of the future, to have some celebrity come up and and break the news on a on a potential breakup or a divorce, which is probably not the best way to go if you’re trying to avoid a trip down to the courthouse.

Well, you know, the new changes, everything in this digital age is obviously, you know, created a new landscape. I mean, obviously, now we have the ability to do service via email, you know, just something that in the past week said it would never happen.

So I can totally see, you know, getting, you know, that celebrity service for divorce or whatever it might be. You’re getting sued because you get beat up my kid or whatever it might be.

I see. I see you got the gray hoodie memo. That’s good.

Well I did. I’m a little chilly out here. I’m rockin’ my number 10 Raiders, you know, I mean, we’re living lucky right now, playing some serious ball.

And it’s a little chilly for you. We don’t have that nice that nice blanket of humidity that H-Town has.

Yes, but when it gets cold, it gets cold, humidity doesn’t help you necessarily all that much.

But anyway, let’s talk a little bit about Millennials, Millennials, just to give everybody like a frame of reference as the Generation Y, and they’re known by their birth years somewhere in the early 80s to the late 90s.

So eighty one through 96 or 97 is what they generally say the Millennial generation is.

And what’s interesting about the Millennial generation is, well, there’s a lot of things that are interesting. But we’re we’re we’re at cross sections with family law, I think is in the area of Millennials are doing a lot more prenups and prenups are not uncommon.

You know, in divorce cases, obviously, you’ve seen them many, many times. I’ve seen it many times. But it’s not what’s in the prenup. It’s what they’re what what they’re doing with these prenups and what’s in them.

You know, normally, you know, back in our generation, I guess the old Gen X generation or before us, I mean, the prenups had stuff like houses, cars, retirements, all of those kinds of things. I mean, a lot of the millennial prenups have that stuff in them. But they also have a lot of other things in there that we can kind of talk about. But, yeah, for example, one thing I looked I looked at this article about Millennials and prenups, and they’re doing it more and more because they’re basically wanting to negotiate their exit strategy.

It’s a very millennial thing to negotiate your exit strategy before you ever get married. Right.

You know, I mean, as as sad as the statement that is, it’s actually not not not a bad thing to do.

I mean, obviously, the brilliance of prenuptial agreements is it really is the fight of divorce.

And if you have the ability to kind of you know, when you’re in a good frame of mind and you still love each other, sit down and say, hey, should we ever want to part ways? Let’s just go ahead and set the ground. Rules can really save you a lot of time, energy and money at the tail end of that relationship.

So let’s let’s talk about a couple of things that these Millennials are putting in these prenups, for example, because obviously a lot of a lot of Millennials are waiting to get married. So they’re getting married in late 20s. A marriage rates are down overall for Millennials based on what I’ve read. But the ones that are getting married are getting married a little bit later than the than prior generations.

And they’re getting having kids later.

But, for example, they put stuff about social media in a prenup. So basically, if the relationship ends, there’s a contractual agreement to not trash each other on the social media. So I’m not sure how that gets around the First Amendment. But it’s interesting. I guess you can contract away your First Amendment rights, right?

You can. I mean, it’s actually a pretty good clause, as we’ve seen. You know, social media seems to be the mechanism that everybody wants to use, the weapon of choice.

It’s definitely the mechanism of the Millennial, that’s for sure. Anything on social media. They’re a very, very savvy where that’s concerned. There were a couple of Millennials that have an attorney draft a prenuptial agreement discussing pets and they had visitation schedules.

And, you know, who’s going to cover the vet bills and who’s going to who’s going to cover the training and the vet bills and all the other stuff that goes on with with owning a dog or a cat. You can think you can prenup. I guess you can contract around that if you want to.

Another one is frozen embryos. So a lot of a lot of obviously infertility issues. And a lot of people are utilizing, you know, fertility clinics for in vitro or various various other things.

So a lot of a lot of families will freeze eggs or freeze embryos to for later, for later hopes, hopes of having children. Right. So they they’re contracting away. Who gets those embryos if if there’s an inevitable divorce and what happens to that? So that’s a that creates a lot of interesting issues because you’re talking about a potential child there and what and what happens to the to the raising of that child after there’s a divorce, depending on who gets the embryos and things like that.

The gestational agreements are really a fascinating area of the law that’s really kind of up and coming because, you know, that is a very hot trend among young couples to really kind of look at that and forecast future when they want to plan for families. Or, you know, a lot of times now people are going into much later ages where before it was really a thought to start families. I mean, we’re not just talking about Millennials. We’re talking about people in their 50s that are saying, hey, I want to have a baby now. And I froze my eggs when I was in my 20s. Can I do that now? And these are all parts definitely that that can be accomplished in that partition or that prenuptial agreement.

So let’s talk about this. You have a couple that gets divorced. They have. A frozen embryo, let’s say wife gets wife gets the embryos, she goes ahead, decides, well, I haven’t there’s no man on the horizon, so I want to have some children so I could go and go ahead. And she uses these embryos and gets pregnant and has and has a kid. What are we talking about in terms of this man who, you know, unbeknownst to him, he gave us you know, he gave a seed a long time ago before the divorce and while they were married and then know this is not an uncommon thing. There have been cases on this. And then there’s a child who says you have to support that child who has who gets visitation. What’s the story there?

Yeah, you know, I mean, a lot of times you’re on the hook, you know, I mean, you need to really be careful because a lot of times you’re going to get that child support bill.

All of a sudden that you’re like, hey, wait a minute, I never agree to that. But you don’t have your consent was implied or actually really tacit when you went in to that gestational agreement about freezing embryos.

So, you know, you really need to be away or anything like that. I think it’s unfair. At the end of the day, I mean, five years after a divorce here, all of a sudden, are you hit with child support of a child that is biologically yours or even.

Yeah, and even beyond the financial implications of that, Bryan, it’s that, you know what? If you decided I don’t want to have children, you know, I just don’t you know, that’s definitely a live choice that somebody is taking out of your hands if you haven’t predetermined how that’s going to be dealt with. So those kinds of provisions are actually really smart and need to be really well thought out and carefully considered with competent counsel as you draft those.

Exactly, so, you know, that that I thought was very, very fascinating, is that they’re trying to decide whether those embryos are discarded or whether they’re whether somebody can utilize them at the conclusion of a of a marriage.

I thought that was a very interesting thing with these, you know, so that’s that’s something that they are trying to trying to think think aloud on.

I guess another thing that a lot of students or a lot of Millennials are trying to contract around is debt in future student debt because they’re saying that the average millennial comes out of school these days with about fifty two thousand dollars in debt just a year before you before you get to go, before you roll the dice and start going down the Mediterranean Avenue or the electric company or wherever you’re going on the Monopoly board of life, you’re fifty two thousand in the hole.

So a lot of Millennials are contracting around not wanting to be obligated for student debt.

If you know your husband or wife pursues a degree while you’re married and incurs student loan debt.

So there they are. They are adding those to the millennial prenup and prenuptial agreements. And that will probably go ahead.

Oh, I was just going to say, I actually you know, that’s something that’s very relevant. I had a client here in South Lake, Texas that what it ended up happening as we were crafting the prenup is the husband had an intention to go to medical school. So wife was already out in a career and they anticipated that obviously she would be footing the bill for that medical school education. Well, as we all know, it’s amazing how many young doctors fresh out of medical school all of a sudden filed for divorce when they realize they’re going to be taking, know, four or five hundred thousand dollars a year and they could trade up potentially and wives or vice versa, husbands, depending on who’s attending. And so she wanted that written in the partition agreement or the prenuptial agreement, say, stating specifically that if she paid for this, any expense that came from her employment for his education was to be reimbursed in full. And that’s a pretty smart provision. I mean, obviously, if they stayed married, it didn’t really matter. But if they didn’t, she got it all back. And that’s a pretty sizable amount when you’re talking about most doctors are spending one hundred and fifty two hundred thousand dollars to go to medical school nowadays.

So and then they don’t make they don’t make anything for their first couple of years of their residency and, you know, the living hand to mouth and work and work and astronomical hours.

So as my first family law mentor used to tell me, there’s always an empty hotel room and a willing doctor or nurse. Right.

So, yes, there is a lot of a lot of that that goes on in the medical profession. I mean, obviously, the medical profession is one of of long hours and a long time away from family and stuff like that. But, yeah, it’s just something to be cognizant of. And yeah, if you’re a doctor coming out of medical school with two hundred thousand dollars of medical debt, if you’re the spouse of that doctor, you don’t necessarily want to be saddled with that debt or even a portion of it. You’re going to be upset enough as it is, I can imagine.

Yeah. What a lot of people don’t understand, too, is a lot of people say, well, you know, isn’t it true that the law anyway says that if it’s your student loan debt, your education, it goes with you? And that’s just not that’s not the case. You know, I mean, you’re talking about community debt, even though it’s not community education, one person is going to walk away with that degree or certification. The other person is not. But both people could be walking away with debt. So you definitely want to think those things do. And it’s smart to kind of preplan that at the inception of a relationship.

And you don’t necessarily want to I mean, whether you legally could be tied to the debt, depending on whose names on it and what the debt holders are saying about the debt and whether you signed on on the line for it or not, that’s one thing. It might be better with these prenuptial agreements to not even have to have that argument.

If you don’t even have to go down that road, that’s sometimes better than ended up winning it at the courthouse. I mean, in my opinion. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.

And this is not an uncommon for prenuptial agreements, but a lot of Millennials are contracting around various states alimony provisions, and that’s something that’s pretty standard. That’s that’s been a lot of it, because most of these Millennials, like I said, are getting married at a later date, whether they all they have careers and things like that.

So they’re creating making creative provisions around alimony or payments or whatever.

But I mean, obviously, some of that goes out the window depending on the laws of your particular state at the time you have kids or somebody stops working or whatever the case may be.

Yeah, I mean, you can play the cool part about prenuptial agreements is that you can really plan for a lot of contingencies, you can cover a lot of ground and a lot of the unexpected turns in life in a really well crafted prenuptial agreement. It does take obviously somebody with some season, somebody who’s done it. And you really have to have an idea of kind of where you’re at in life, what you anticipate going in what direction. But those terms, you can really kind of blanket the blanket over a whole lot of people’s lives and make it fit, you know, ninety, ninety five percent of what’s going on. There may still be some stuff that you’re not going to obviously be able to anticipate, like you’re saying, some disabilities or stuff like that.

That may have been something tragic, but for the most part, I mean, you can cover pretty much anything.

And then the other thing is obviously trying to create a lot of a lot of Millennials are using these prenuptial agreements to create know financial separation from the onset of the marriage. So basically, what’s yours is yours and what’s mine is mine.

And we’re not comingling our stuff. We’re not creating marital property.

We’re not creating community property by our marriage.

And I guess in a way that’s smart, I guess if you have two parties that are on equal financial footing, that’s probably a pretty smart thing. If it’s and if you’re not. It may not be so good for one one person or the other.

No. And I always tell especially couples that are coming in as they’re contemplating this, you know, I will tell them, you know, right now you may look at it. And if you’re getting married later in life, you’re in your late 20s, early 30s, you’ve got a career, you’ve got some investments, whatever it may be. And you’re like, we just want to keep it separate. You know, you really again, let’s talk about that client that I said, you know, when was going to become a doctor. The other was a vet tech. OK, so this tech was paying the bills for this doctor to be able to go to medical school, this vet tech, at some point, it’s pretty well capped out. I’m not saying that techs aren’t super important. I came from a ranching family and trust me, that tax are important. But there’s a salary range there. Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, doctors this guy was wanted to go in and like he was going to be a plastic specialist, a plastic surgeon who like did like burn. He specialized in basically like burn therapy. And so high demand, high income, you know, his income potential was pretty much limitless, depending on where he landed, if everything went right for him. And so there were there was obviously going to be a disparity in the income of the party. So when you look at that and you say, well, what’s yours is yours is mine, and mine may sound great when somebody is just starting out, but a few years down the road, you’re probably kicking yourself in the Dáil for making that deal.


And yeah, it’s like I said, I think it’s just an interesting area of the law that we’re kind of things are ever changing. You know, love is love, but I guess business is business, right? Well, yeah. Marriage is still a contract. Right. Foundation of its contract law that the only reason we came up with the marriage was to kind of pass wealth and real property between generations. So. And families. Yeah. And so it makes sense. It makes sense. But I would really encourage people, if you’re thinking this through one look, prenuptial agreements are complicated in and of themselves to lawyers, OK? But the complexity of them to clients is having the conversation right. Sitting down with your significant other early in the game and saying, hey, this is something that I’m really going to want. Is it going to be a problem for you? Because I’ve had those situations to where, you know, we’re talking about four weeks in front of the wedding and somebody is coming to me saying, hey, I want a prenuptial agreement. And the first thing I say is, does the other party know? Well, I have to have that conversation with them, but I’m sure they’ll agree. You know, maybe it’s going to probably leave some hurt feelings. You probably should have this back before you asked her to marry you. You know, these are the kinds of things that really you got to think through and kind of establish for yourself. And the relationship early on would be my recommendation.

Yeah, that’s could be kryptonite for a relationship. If you’re right about to walk down the aisle and you’re laying a contract on somebody and telling them the sign here.

Yeah, yeah. Not only that, but that if that can be grounds to set it aside, I mean, like there’s the formality of prenuptial wills is extreme and very well litigated and very much important. You know, everybody wants to say, like, you can just kind of look at these things and the execution of them.

The formalities of them are extremely important. And you really have to understand what you’re doing and be well guided through those processes, because if you make a mistake, then you can set it aside and it really didn’t matter. It wasn’t worth the paper that they printed it on.

And look, I understand the utility of a premarital agreement. I mean, you don’t necessarily you’ve been working for five or 10 years and you’re about to get married and you don’t want to lose half of. I mean, to be frank, you don’t want to lose half your shit.

I mean, that’s basically what you run the risk of or let’s say you’re already divorced and you don’t want to lose that position again. And maybe you want to leave something to your kids. And, you know, if you have kids from the first marriage.

And so prenuptial agreements are in in today’s age are, you know, with everybody having independent lives, independent retirement, independent things that they’ve built for themselves, you know, they become more important. So it’s worth sitting down with a competent attorney to go over options before you get married, because like you said, it is a it is a contractual arrangement as much as anything else. And look, if the two family dogs are very, very important to you and you want to keep them, no matter what happens, come hell or high water, then by all means, put them in the agreement. I mean, dogs, you know how dogs and cats are treated under the law. They’re treated as property. So you’re better off contracting that stuff and making sure it’s it’s taken care of so that you have some some peace of mind and some security. And it’s worth it’s worth speaking to an attorney, just as you planned, for a marriage, just like anything else. Because, you know, like I said, people are coming into marriages with more stuff these days and, you know. It’s worth it’s worth at least exploring.

I absolutely think it can it can save you headaches, not only in that brain about who gets it, but what it’s worth, you know, that’s what I really find using a prenuptial agreement can help with is establishing the worth or the elimination of that particular word in any type of consideration at the conclusion of that relationship. I give you an example. I had a guy who became a fashion designer for, you know, kind of sneakers, kicks in.

New York is Big Kikes collection, you know, like nineteen ninety one Jordans and all these old shoes that I used to love and wear to hell, you know, torn to pieces are worth thousands of dollars.

Now I’m like, damn, I wish I had never put them on my feet.

But I mean, basically this guy had a collection of shoes. Him and his wife are going to get divorced. And she’s saying, hey, you know what? All your shoes are worth thirty thousand dollars. And he’s like, no way. And even if they are, you know, I owned a lot of those shoes before we were married. Prove it. Show me the receipts, you know? And so if you’re going to say, well, it was mine before, you have the burden of proving that in every state that I’m licensed in. And so these are things that if you put in a prenuptial agreement, you’ve already kind of carved it out. You can say, hey, this is my watch collection, my Harley collection, my Corvette collection, my freaking diamond ring collection. And I had it before. And it’s never going to be a consideration in relation to anything going for.

Yeah, you’re unlikely to be able to find that receipt from a footlocker back in nineteen ninety eight to find Jordans, right.

Yeah, but she’s got them all lined up on your show and your closet to my click click click. Lets Internet price those bad boys and you’re like that’s some bullshit right. It is you know.

But yeah. I mean that’s a perfect example. I mean the oh you’re old baseball card collection. I mean that’s stuff that’s hard. That’s hard. You can’t put it. I mean, you got Ken Griffey Jr. is rookie card. And if you have that, I have Ken Griffey Jr. is rookie card.

And, you know, I got that in a pack of baseball cards when I was a kid. How am I going to prove I got in the pack of baseball cards when I was a kid?

I mean, you know, I mean, how are you going to do it? So that’s where a prenuptial agreement comes in, comes into play.

And, you know, you can save your Spider-Man with the first appearance of the Punisher and or whatever else is worth the worth of crap ton of money, right?

Well, yeah, not only that, but like Millennials. So, like, you know, right now with pot, I guess about my son’s like the tail end of a millennial. He was probably the last year of that generation, but he’s huge into collecting books and vinyl. He’s got this massive vinyl collection. Well, you know, a lot of that vinyl we gave to him before. I mean, he’s not married now. But I, I would hope at the point he sits down to say, hey, this vinyl collection, that’s probably worth a substantial amount of money. Now, you know, it’s mine. I brought it in because that’s your point. He’s not going to find receipts of any of that. And if his wife at that point wants to say, call bullshit on that, you know, the proof is on him, you know, and that’s a just a complicated process you don’t want to have to get involved in. So really anything through.

Go ahead. So the funny thing about. Yeah, go ahead.

I was just going to the funny thing about vinyl is, you know, remember when see these came out, you’re Gen X are like me. Remember when the CD came out?

You can buy a record for about a buck. You know that nowadays. And go to the record store. These these vinyl records are twenty five dollars.

Oh, easy, easy, man. I’ve got him something like 50 bones and I’m like for a frickin apple was that was a dollar.

Whenever John Cougar Mellencamp, when he was Cougar Mellencamp was a dollar back in the day. Oh hell yeah.

But now musicians are you know, that’s a big deal. They’ll come out with like limited edition pressies of CD that they converted and remastered on vinyl. And, you know, we all know that the sound quality is different and all that.

But I mean, it’s just things like that. I would just encourage you. You don’t really realize what you’re potentially going to divide until you sit down and think about what you have and what you don’t want to divide. And when you sit down and say, well, this is what I have and it’s what I don’t want to give up, it becomes pretty easy what you want identify in your prenuptial.

And you’re totally right about that. But but like I said, I think the young there’s gives me a little bit of hope for the younger generation that they are thinking through, you know, some of these things and not just flying by the seat of their pants. I think, you know, that’s that’s a good thing.

I think any time you can look at a situation and say, OK, you know, we’ve got to be pragmatic about this and, you know, and account for some things like debt and assets.

And, you know, there are some silly things there, some serious, silly millennial things in there like social media. But, you know, for the most part, I mean, they are thinking through stuff, which I guess is a good thing.

Hey, you know, I’m going to tell you on that social media front, really, like some of these accounts are worth paying in bucks. I’m saying, like, if somebody sat down and answers and whatnot, yeah, they became an influencer and they’re making sixty to one hundred thousand dollars from that account just by freaking posting pictures of themselves, holding something.

I mean, those are things that you’re definitely going to want to kind of contemplate because who knows who you turn out to be as you get older and even if you’re already married. I guess the other piece of advice I would give, you know, young couples contemplating marriage or if you’ve just recently married, you’re like, damn, I miss that window.

Well, I mean, you know, I had mentioned kind of briefly a partition agreement. Well, prenuptial agreements, partition agreements or marital agreements sometimes are called in different states, but it’s just your ability to kind of contract away that problem as things go forward. You can do it before you get married, but you can also do it after. Now, the formalities of doing it after a little more complicated, but not much. And it’s definitely something that if you want to do, you can still do. And I would encourage you to at least have those conversations.

But they need to be open and honest conversations early now that social media brings up an interesting point.

So, like, I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to much of the news lately, but you got Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood tying up the airwaves. I mean, I know I’m not sure how big of a fan you are about Marilyn Manson, but he’s a weird dude. And whether you’ve got a couple of challenges, shopaholics that I like. But, yeah, he’s definitely a little. And whether you believe you know Evan Rachel Wood or not, and you know, that’s that’s another question. But the fact of the matter is she came out on social media, social media, and came up and came up with this story about what went on in that relationship. And, you know, it’s caused some other people have come out and it’s caused, I think Manson’s record labels dropped him and and different things. So what you’re when you’re talking about that social media piece, I guess when you blow, if you blow up and then somebody has something to say about you that is unflattering and which may or may not be true, I’m not saying that it’s not true, but what I am saying is that you can get torpedoed on social media and that be the end of your career potentially. I mean, that’s happened to the number of people and whether the allegations are true or not, you know.

Yeah, by the time the dust settles, you know, the career is gone for sure. I mean, he’s already gotten a fleeting thing. Yeah. I mean, he got dropped by his label is currently well, I mean, obviously as a as a whole lot of stuff too much currently. But I mean, he’s still a pretty well known name.

And, you know, and that’s the thing about being in the horror I think is in the big in the horror shows on AMC and all those different or not AMC, but some of those networks up there on the cable channels.

But not anymore. He’s he’s out of there, too.

So, you know, yeah, I think and, you know, when you’re persona non grata and can obviously, like, turn it in a situation like that, people stop buying your music and then all of a sudden the stream of income that it’s been pretty healthy for you is dried up. So those kinds of things are really, really going to be important. But, you know, along those social media outlets, too, that we were kind of talking about, I would tell you, like, you know, one of the other things is photograph’s right. So, you know, social media, I think it’s kind of a big way that people share what’s going on with your life and pictures. Photographs? Well, in this digital age, I will tell you that these accounts have thousands and thousands of images, thousands and thousands. How many times have you and I had to subpoena people to get these records into court? Right. We use them for a variety of different purposes. But as an individual, you think of it’s basically a record of my life. Some people have these accounts for decades. You know, I mean, obviously, as far back as social media is coming up. And so when you think about all those photographs, the ownership of that particular account can really matter. Or do you want to be able to already have predetermined terms that say, you know, all the images that are on there of me, you know, I get to keep they belong to me or you don’t want you don’t want people publishing your drunk bathroom selfie or whatever.

You exaggerate. Exactly. Exactly. Publishing your you know, your illicit photograph or whatever that you sent to him and meant for him only. You know, that’s a that’s obviously a big deal in the news today and.

While a prenuptial agreement doesn’t necessarily get you out of that situation, it provides another area of potential where we can get you can get relief if something leaks or something is put out there to personally and professionally disparage you in the event of a divorce, that you might be able to circle back around and make a claim on that.

Sure. It helps a predetermined outcome. Absolutely.

So, well, I hear in the celebrity news, I hear that Dr. Dre may have had a couple of Dr. Dre ladies involved during the marriage, but the latest allegations, speaking of prenups, Dr. Dre has what he feels like is a pretty ironclad prenup. His wife would feel otherwise, but apparently now she’s got some allegations of extramarital activity and and various things out there like that. So that should be an interesting case that we’re paying attention to, which deals with the prenup. And that’s a prenup worth potentially billions of dollars.

Yeah, we’re definitely going to be talking about that for the next couple of months for sure. It’s definitely something that I think is going to predominate the news and really the litigation of it’s pretty fascinating behind the scenes. So we will definitely keep people updated as we get to know more.

Well, Sam, how’s everything else going?

Good, good, brother, good. I mean, you know, I’m just looking forward to this year. Twenty twenty one hopefully is going to be way better.

Obviously, we just opened our new office in Fort Worth in North Fort Worth so we can help people in the Kellin kind of heritage tree, Saginaw and Lake Worth areas there. Our office there in Fort Worth, we’re looking at expanding into different markets. So maybe in the Waco area for sure. Round Rock, we’ve opened a location in Round Rock, Texas, just north of Austin. So, you know, things are looking up for twenty, twenty one.

Lots of things on the move, lots and lots of exciting things coming down the pike. So if you want to get a hold of us, you can reach us at w w w ust legal dot com. Our 800 number is eight eight eight four six one three nine six four. My numbers two eight one three seven four four seven four one. How do they get you Sam.

Yep. You can hit me up at eight one seven nine one four five four seven zero.

All right, well, thanks for the time today. We were we plan to hit some more topics. We won’t always be hitting family, lot of topics. We’ll be hitting some other stuff as we as we go along. This year, we plan to try to drop at least one podcast a week for our listeners that have been loyal. We really appreciate it. And drop us a line and tell us what you think. But we’re planning to try to drop one at least once a week so that we provide that we’re going to provide different content cover. We’re going to try to cover areas of law we find interesting or stuff. That’s coming up. Stuff that’s coming up in our lives or stuff that’s coming up in the in the world that we want to talk about.

So thanks for the time, Sam, and I appreciate you, sir. Take care, brother. See you soon. All right.

Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoyed the Top Texas Lawyers Podcast. If you’d like to schedule a consultation with either Bryan or Sam, please call 1-888-981-7509. Or visit us on the web at www.aswlawoffice.com. Once again, that’s www.aswlawoffice.com. Thank you very much.

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