3 Questions When Choosing an Attorney in Texas

The First Encounter

When considering what to ask when choosing an attorney, I found that it closely mirrors dating. That initial encounter is filled with hope, stress, curiosity and the desire to make a connection. Similarly, during the interview process there are also very particular questions you should be asking, especially if you live in Texas. By asking the right questions, you are more likely to choose the right partner for the long haul. Here are 3 questions to ask when choosing an attorney in Texas that can set you up for success during your initial encounter!

Are We Right For Each Other?

The same way that you are trying to figure out whether the attorney is right for you, they’re also sizing you up! But, in a good way, because they’ve done this time and time again, they have a unique advantage. Some topics that may (and should) come up are:

  • What does the cost structure look like? That’s a big one, finances are usually absolute.
  • What exactly is their expertise? They should be certified and their skills should be right for your case.
  • Do your due diligence! While it may be slightly unethical to background check your date at first glance, it’s not taboo to look into any possible ethics violations from your potential new attorney.
  • BONUS: Here’s a freebie… Are you comfortable with them? Again, just like in dating, a main selling point in furthering the relationship is the likeability factor. You’re going to be getting into pretty intimate conversations and no one wants to feel awkward or intimated.

If At First You Don’t Succeed

If you’ve been on the relationship circuit you know the first time’s not always a charm. Sometimes, even the third time doesn’t feel right. Don’t settle and simply choose the first attorney you meet, check out your options. Be wary of consultation fees racking up though, some firms may not offer them for free. If these 3 questions aren’t enough when choosing an attorney in Texas you can always get to know our attorneys online. The most important thing is choosing the right attorney (or life partner) that meets your needs. As the saying goes, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.

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If you need a little extra help post divorce or know someone thinking about one, check out or share our free e-Book on getting through the process. We also have episodes that go into this topic and many more. If you’re into pods, feel free to tune into Top Texas Lawyers today!


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