Dealing With Parental Plan Violations
If you find yourself in a shared custody or child support situation that is spiraling out of control fast, you should take action immediately.
Paternity Fraud In Texas
While cases of mistaken paternity are rare, they do exist and the consequences are detrimental and far reaching.
Can Parents Agree To No Child Support?
There are unique situations in which parents can agree to pay no child support. Here, in Texas, specifically, your judge determines whether or not it serves the best interest of the child or children, of course.
Parent Custodial Rights
Texas Non-Custodial Parent Rights Texas law classifies non-custodial parents as possessory conservators. They do not have the right to make major decisions regarding their child, including their residence, school, or religion. However, a non-custodial parent still retains some legal rights and responsibilities to their child. If you have questions about your parental rights as a […]
Navigating the Holidays After a Divorce
ALLOW OUR CERTIFIED DIVORCE ATTORNEYS TO PROVIDE SUPPORT OVER THE HOLIDAYS It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Unfortunately, recently divorced individuals may not feel particularly jolly this season. The same can be said for couples that are currently in the process of finalizing their divorce. As the end of December creeps closer, it’s […]
Understanding Texas Child Custody Laws
FAMILY LAW ATTORNEYS HELPING TEXAS WITH CHILD CUSTODY LAWS Family is the most important part of our lives, and if you have children, you know just how important they are. The relationship between a parent and child is one of the most integral relationships to be had. A break up or divorce amongst parents can […]